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Jeremy Singh

This 1 mindset shift will 10x your running

Welcome to the GO FOR A RUN, the newsletter so focused it kills distractions.

It’s happened more times than I’d like to admit.

I’m out for my run, listening to music or an audiobook, when…


Twitter notification.

I stop running (and pause my watch).

I pull out my phone, open up Twitter and see that addictive little blue number next to the bell.

Someone liked my post.

Little dopamine hit received.

Ok, turn it off and get back to the run.

Wait… wtf?

Why did I let myself become distracted?

My run is going to take longer now. My mind isn’t focused anymore. And now I’m annoyed that I checked my phone in the first place.

If this sounds like something that happens to you while running or working out, here’s what you need:

The Line.

The Line is an imaginary barrier between your normal life activities and your workout.

It could be when you pass through the door to the gym. Or when you leave your home for your run.

Once you cross the line, you’re all business.

You go in with a plan to focus your attention on the workout and whatever else you choose to let in:

  • Music
  • Podcast
  • Audiobook
  • Talking with a friend

And you block everything else out.

It allows you to compartmentalize your workout from the rest of your life so that you get the most out of exercise.

You don’t pause and lose time on your phone.

You stay aware of your body.

And this means you perform at your best.

You might need to put up some boundaries — using apps like Opal that will block social media apps so there’s no way they can cross the line.

So the next time you head out for your workout remember The Line. Once you cross it remain focused on the task at hand.

Jeremy “hates notifications” Singh