Every great runner needs THIS one skill
Can I let you in on a little secret?
Most days, when my alarm goes off at 5:00 AM, I don’t really want to run.
It’s dark and cold out.
The bed is cozy and warm.
All I want to do is hit snooze, close my eyes, and take a rest day.
But that’s just the easy voice in your mind.
The comfort-loving voice.
It doesn’t think about tomorrow, or next week, or next year. It doesn’t care about you feeling like a failure long term. It only wants you to be lazy now.
If you want to become your best, you need to win the war with your mind.
Here’s how:
Get Going
With running (and everything in life), the hardest part is always the start.
We overthink the discomfort.
We worry about how it’s going to feel.
But what you have to do is think less and act more.
Because remember, mood follows action.
It’s normal to want to choose comfort, but I guarantee if you do the opposite, you’ll feel better down the line.
The secret is to project your mind forward.
Get up and get moving, and momentum will keep you going.
Easier said than done, right?
Well, here’s a little trick from David Goggins I use every day:
The cookie jar.
You are a badass
The cookie jar will help you when you’re out on the trail struggling in the depths of despair and fighting the desire to quit.
It’s a mental stash of past accomplishments and obstacles overcome, both big and small. When you feel like you want to quit, when you can’t go on, and you’re close to giving in to the easy voice.
All you do is reach in a grab a cookie.
There’s so much power in memories. They’re fuel you can access on tap. Those little cookies will give you new energy, neural energy.
Plus, each time you overcome the easy voice in your mind, you build mental toughness.
You increase your baseline.
Soon, you‘ll be doing what you had only dreamed of.
Acing Your Goals
Your why grounds you and reminds you to think beyond the present moment.
And it’s also a great tool to snap you out of the easy voice and get back to what matters.
Running is equal parts how you train your mind and how you train your body.
But the best part about running is the fact that when you take on both challenges, everything improves.
So don’t give in to the easy voice. Listen to the voice that’s pushing you to be the best you can be.
And I’ll see you on trail.
Jeremy “go for a run” Singh
I’m working on something that you’re going to love.
It’s truly unique and will be one of the best running resources on the internet.
You see, I’ve been building products to help runners for a while now.
- eBooks
- Injury guides
- Training plans
- Exercise video databases
- Full video courses covering topics from the basics to running form to shoes to mindset
And I’ve hosted and been a part of live workshops with experts on injuries, mobility and nutrition… just to name a few.
How would like to have full access to all of it, and all future products and workshops?… and a chance to win exclusive merch… GO FOR A RUN hat anyone?
Plus a private Slack community of like-minded runners where I answer all of your running questions and we cheer each other on?
And you can connect with other runners and get questions answered during the live calls.
The Jacked Runner Collective is coming.
The goal is to help you crush your goal race while feeling fit and strong, not beat up and broken. That’s why it’s focused on running AND strength training.
So you can run far and get jacked.
Also, if you’ve invested with me and spent money on my products, I’ll allocate any money you’ve spent toward your Jacked Runner Collective membership.
This is a no brainer.
But only a limited number spots will be available at launch so I can make sure you get an exceptional experience.
Want to be the first to know when it opens?
Jump on the waitlist here: