We’ve reached the final day of the challenge.
(I’m not crying, you’re crying!)
Is your jacked runner blueprint done yet?!
We have one more critical piece to discuss.
Today we’re calculating your target heart rate.
This critical step is how you learn how to run at the right pace effort level for most (or all) of your running (or walking).
Watch the video lesson below to calculate your target heart rate.
(No video skippers, I see you!)
Just click this image for the last lesson!
Did you see it?
Your target heart rate is 180-Your Age +/- 10 (depending on fitness)
Pretty sweet right?!
You now have a number that:
- Keeps your easy runs easy (most of us run too hard all the time)
- Prevents you from getting injured or exhausted
- Builds your aerobic base so you can run for hours
I mean think about this for a second…
You have this blueprint. You know what you’re aiming for. You have the weekly schedule to get you there. And you know how to keep most of your running at an easy effort level so you don’t get hurt or burned out.
This means you can run more and more miles.
Does this mean you can run a marathon tomorrow?
Probably not.
But you can build day by day, making noticeable progress every week.
But depending on how closely you’ve been paying attention – you’ve probably noticed one thing that we still need.
Can you guess what it is?!
Well lucky for you, I’ve added one more bonus lesson that I want to show you tomorrow.
It’s the key to taking your running (and body) to the next level.
Make sure you stop by tomorrow to check it out!
Run strong,
P.S. You can access today’s template here: